Environmental Policy

It is Outform’s policy to conduct its business in a responsible and sustainable manner, through the implementation and use of modern technologies with a minimal risk of environmental impact. Our beliefs combined with employee involvement are in line with all relevant laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection.

The goal of our company is to implement products and services with the least possible impact on the natural environment, i.e. the practical implementation of the principle of sustainable development, which is the basic principle of environmental protection. This goal is achieved through sub-goals:

– Compliance with applicable legal regulations and other requirements in the field of environmental protection;

– Rational management of raw materials, materials, water, electricity and heat in order to minimize their use and reduce the carbon footprint in the plant;

– Reduction of air pollutant emissions through the use of filtration devices in production processes;

– Minimizing the production of technological (production) waste and conducting an environmentally safe waste management by optimizing the production process;

– Conducting an accurate segregation of generated waste, both production and municipal waste, which is to facilitate further management of this waste as secondary raw materials;

– Product life cycle analysis in terms of reducing the carbon footprint, using more environmentally friendly materials and lower environmental impact at the end of the product’s life;

– Transfer of waste to companies with appropriate waste management permits;

– Providing employees with a place to park two-wheeled ecological means of transport.

– Obtaining wood only from legal sources through participation in the supply chain certification system;

– Shaping pro-ecological and pro-social attitudes among employees through educational activities and activities supporting the local community.

The company has all the environmental protection decisions required by law, including waste generation, gas and dust emissions permits.

Awareness of the Management Board and employees, supervision and monitoring of environmental impact and cooperation with professionals such as recovery organizations, accredited measurement laboratories, authorized waste management entities provide a basis for stating that the development of the enterprise takes place with respect for the natural environment. On behalf of the entire team,
I declare my commitment to work on meeting the requirements and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.

Managing Director

Marek Bakalarczyk

Konstantynów Łódzki, 19.04.2024



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